Little was really discussed in in the production seminar that any direct correlation to the props we had to source. However, we were informed of the 3000 word Reflective essay due at the end of the term. This only enforced the notion that we should try and finish sourcing the props as soon as possible so that we could make a start with the theoretical graded side of the course. There was also a point raised by Hector about an antiques shop in Dollis Hill, which may lend us or allow us to hire fire equipment.

Following the meeting Gaby and I met to discuss what we thought were the most important talking points; sourcing of the table, table cloth and what our next steps would be. We considered visiting the Dollis Hill antiques shop in the afternoon but dismissed this idea when someone said they might have fire irons at home. Currently awaiting confirmation. Having previously discussed how the tablecloth would hang properly over the table, we weren’t finding anything with the right dimensions that was of a suitable price. We decided to have a quick meeting with Dot from the props department as to what she thought might be the answer. Whilst in her company, we enquired about her thoughts on the best possible ways of making the newspaper and the materials needed.

In the meeting, we discussed the possibility of other cheaper alternatives that we might be able to alter to fit our purpose of tablecloth.

  • Curtains – Flock
  • Bed Throws – Flock
  • Duvet Covert (But might seem too 2D)
  • Rug (But would have to be really light, to lay properly)


She also gave us thin paper (similar to that which Fish and Chips are wrapped in) that we might be able to print a newspaper print onto after editing in Photoshop.

After the meeting we decided to explore avenues Dot had opened to us by suggesting the previous items. Although a nice idea we found nothing that was in a suitable price range, the closest we got being a thick curtain.

Over Lunch Gaby and I drew up a vague schedule that we might adhere to in the days to follow. Based on our unsuccessful online shop, we decided we would visit fabric shop around central London and try and find a pattern that might want. As well as what we wanted to look for in the Market tomorrow.


Wednesday 1st


11.00: Meet at Piccadilly Circus by the Criterion Theatre (Exit 3)

Try and find fabric shops

Purchase the right size according to dimensions[1]

                         THEN food


13.00: Look around for Christmas shops

Might have period angel topper


After Lunch went to visit A&M props Hire Company. A few colleagues had already been to view the warehouse and had highly rated it. Despite A&M’s great wide expanse of props, the price and the fact most items were just, not quite right, meant it was an unlikely place for us to hire from for this particular project